Welcome to Biostatistics Demystified


We are glad that you have found your way to Biostatistics Demystified. We hope that you will find the content of this site enlightening and useful.

The intent of this site is to make statistical methods accessible to students and business managers for academic or ad hoc analysis where engaging a professional statistician is neither necessary, desirable or feasible. In the process, by focusing on methods with lots of examples, we bypass much of the dull theory that often leads to the common confusion and intrepidation that surrounds statistics.


The diagram to the left overviews the core statistical subject matter covered and the key principles and methodologies. These were carefully selected to meet three criteria:

  • To keep the site at a manageable size

  • To facilitate ease of future site enhancements

  • To cover the most likely needs of members

Access to the full site is via membership with a nominal one-off subscription fee. This will allow us to continually maintain the site and deliver you improved and expanded content on a regular basis. After joining you will receive a signon and password that gives you full and ongoing exclusive access to the full site.

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✓ Ongoing updates (corrections and new material)


Additional features soon to be available include:

  • Pragmatic R coding for statistical analysis

  • Useful SAS methods

  • All code and data will be downloadable